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Been obsessed with decorative household bondage ever since first hearing the word Gord, and now that a 3D printer from work lives with me can we finally make some of this shit happen! I've already built up a decent amount of experience the past many months building parts for work of various shapes and strengths.

To start with I've always been interested in Doll Stand like things that can sit in the corner or by the desk and whatnot. Lacking tools and experience for proper metalworking needed to build a person sized stand... with the assistance of strong wall anchors, pretty sure some mount points can be created to fit into the corners of rooms and be securely attached to the building. If a sturdy universal connection system could be devised then many types of mount points could be designed for different locations and conditions that interface with the same restraints.

Design Goals

  • Keep user restrained as display prop in corner of room.
  • Minimum number of parts.
  • Minimumer number of hardware store parts.
  • Easy to mount.
  • Easy to secure and liberate user.
  • Adjustable for different height people.
  • Suitable for self-bondage.
  • Wall mounted bits able to camouflage as corner shelves.

This first design is an extremely rough draft to test how sturdy the tong and pin locks are. After the physics get worked out the designs will be updated to look cooler. This entire contraption once assembled is just one of at least two different corner mounted devices for this scene. The other being a unit mounted lower in the corner below the collar, holding some phallic object upright.

This unit assembles from two different components: the wall bracket (2 printed parts), and a collar that breaks into two pieces (4 printed parts). Idea is the collar can be attached to someone and then they would able to snap onto any of the various wallbrackets scattered about. Like the borg recharge enclaves on the walls in Star Trek.

I'm also going to be using up all the spools of PLA that are clearly too low for any work project, so each of these pieces on this prototype are going to be random colours, lol.

Wall Bracket

A lot of this is going to have to be trial and error using somewhat thought-out guesses as starting points. After printing the first wall bracket for example I am pretty sure that this will need to be much larger, probably double the size, to bring the collar a little farther away from the corner, providing a little more shoulder room while crammed into this corner. It's also pretty clear that the bracket itself alone isn't quite big enough to pretend to be a corner shelf. Will work out the sizing after testing the tang connection.

For now the locking mechanism between the bracket and the collar will be this U-shaped pin. This is one of the pieces that will get coolified later for both features and coolness visual appeal. It is likely the holes will not be round in the final design. It will however probably stay as some form of U-shaped thing, so that things can be attached to aid in or automate release mechanisms.

It is pretty clear right now that the corner bracket itself is going to need to be much larger. The locking interface works well though. The collar part feels to have been sized perfectly and once the pin lock is engaged it has a very solid connection to the bracket.

To be continued...

  • darkconsole
  • Lewdest Road Cone
  • Bobbi Bottoms
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