dark's website
(18+ or GTFO)

Browser Userscripts

These are scripts you can install with Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey to add features to websites you visit. If any of these stop working it likely just means it needs to be updated due to changes in their visual theme. When I update them, your Tampermonkey should eventually notice and ask if you'd like to update it automatically.


Even if your account is set to show you everything because you are an adult, if someone else flags their account as an adult, their tweets still get hidden until you click "Show".

If you do not use Twitter in English you may need to edit 1 line of this script, and it should be obvious which.

Currently Supports:



Twitter has a shitload of image sizes now and when you are just doom scrolling, you are never seeing the highest quality. This also means if you ever drag drop an image from Twitter to your desktop it will not be the best image Twitter has. This will force all images to always use the highest quality as you go.

Keep in mind this does not mean all things will be 4K. It means, if there is a 4K, you will get it. Else you will be getting the best they are offering.

Currently Supports:



You've opened an image, right clicked it, save as, and the only choice it gives you is WebP. When you save it, its no longer animated. You can clearly see in the URL bar that it ends in GIF. A lot of servers and CDNs will lie and send a different format of file image/webp even though the URL clearly says something else. I've noticed a lot of times if you just dick with the URL, like adding new query values, that will break the CDN and they will serve you the real file that you can save properly.

This script will add a menu choice when you click the Tampermonkey button on your toolbar, or right click in the page, to add gibberish to the URL query params in hopes they give you the image in a real format you actually want.

It might not always be successful, but it has been on the last few I tried with the last one being Dell's website. You will want to be viewing the image alone in a tab before using this.



So you're browsing a booru middle clicking a bunch of images that open new pages in background tabs. When this userscript is installed after a delay those background tabs will automatically open the high res version of the image on that tab. Useful so you can then use an image saver browser plugin to automatically save all tabs that are currently open to images. Also supports videos, if a video page is opened it will open the full video, set the volume to 10%, and pause it.

Currently Supports:


  • darkconsole
  • Lewdest Road Cone
  • Bobbi Bottoms
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