Skyrim SE Mods
AKA "Newrim" - the remastered Skyrim game from 2016. There are two classes
of mods, "Normal" and "NSFW" with the normal mods mostly being on Nexus
and the NSFW mods mostly being on LoversLab.
Not a single one of these mods will work on Oldrim.
Normal Mods
Dyeable Stockings
Adds various legwear that can have its colour customized via Dye Manager.
Adds a set of dyes for Dye Manager which can be crafted as well as found as loot around the world.
No More Tentacle Whips In Apocrypha
You know those stupid damn tentacle whips in Apocrypha that constantly come out of the goo and lash out at you no matter where you fkn stand? Gone.
Darkwood Manufacturing Toys
Adds a few sex toys includng the Jeweled Butt Plug from Oldrim.
I'll Take The Display Model 3 (SSE)
Mana Tanks (SSE)
This mod will control the breast size based on how much Magica, Health, or Stamina the character has.